Ask The DNR is WCMU Public Media's live call-in television program that gives viewers a chance to ask anonymous questions to our in-studio specialists.
The program is fueled by questions from those watching on television or Facebook Live. Call 844-975-3343 with your questions or post them to Facebook and learn your answers LIVE on the show.
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Host Bob Garner asks your questions to the Michigan DNR experts.
Host Bob Garner asks your questions to the Michigan DNR experts
Additional Ask the DNR questions from October 3, 2024
Q: Traverse City, How to establish dog training area in upper peninsula just like in Ionia?
A: Contact your local customer service center
Q: Ogemaw, If I shoot a black bear can I just bring the head and hide after 72 hours?
A: They are required to bring it in.
Q: Why can’t youth shoot bucks in September?
A: This year they could this year.
Q: Montcalm: Hunts on state land, a large tree has fallen in the path, am I allowed to cut the tree?
A: No not without a wood cutting permit.
Q: Traverse City, Why have our conservation officers not been upgraded to state police?
A: We are state enforcement officers, just different agencies.
Q: Ogemaw County, county gravel pit got shut down for shooting, any chance it could reopen?
A: Would have to ask the county
Q: Frankfort, Has caught raccoons in a live trap, what to do with the them?
A They need to be dispatched.
Q: Oceana County, Can you use a hand gun to shoot an archery wounded deer?
A: No, archery only.
Q: Neighbors shooting at our land, what should I do?
A: If concerned, call your central dispatch.
Q: Beulah, Fishing survey on Platte Lake, what are the results for planting Walleye?
A: Contact Heather Hettinger in the Traverse City Office
Q: Scottville, Pere Marquette River, what are the correct regulations for steel head, do they need to be a farm raised fish with a clip to keep?
A: Depends on the reach you are fishing. Can’t keep any in the flies only reach. Elsewhere the limit is 1 per day. They do not need to be fin clipped to keep.
Q: Will the ring neck pheasants be reintroduced for the put and take program?
A: No reintroduction efforts are planned because of habit concerns.
Q: Can you buy a permit from the DNR to bait deer? Would the DNR tag a radio collared bear during the season?
A: No baiting permit, not trapping/collaring doesn’t occur during the bear season
Q: Benzie, Why do I have to buy a “base license” to purchase a deer license?
A: Currently the laws, much was to keep deer license costs low during the last license change.

Chris Ogozaly
TV Executive Producer / Production Manager
WCMU Public Television
1999 E Campus Dr. Mt. Pleasant MI 48859
(989 774 1541

Adam Miedema
Staff Director Television
WCMU Public Television
1999 E Campus Dr. Mt. Pleasant MI 48859
(989) 774 1541