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Ask The DNR is WCMU Public Media's live call-in television program that gives viewers a chance to ask anonymous questions to our in-studio specialists. 

The program is fueled by questions from those watching on television or Facebook Live. Call 844-975-3343 with your questions or post them to Facebook and learn your answers LIVE on the show. 

Watch the latest episodes.

Ask The SpecialistsAsk The DNR: October 3rd, 2024

Host Bob Garner asks your questions to the Michigan DNR experts.

Ask The SpecialistsAsk the DNR: April 4th, 2024

Host Bob Garner asks your questions to the Michigan DNR experts

Additional Ask the DNR questions from October 3, 2024

Q: Traverse City, How to establish dog training area in upper peninsula just like in Ionia?

A: Contact your local customer service center


Q: Ogemaw, If I shoot a black bear can I just bring the head and hide after 72 hours?

A: They are required to bring it in.


Q: Why can’t youth shoot bucks in September?

A: This year they could this year.


Q: Montcalm: Hunts on state land, a large tree has fallen in the path, am I allowed to cut the tree?

A: No not without a wood cutting permit.


Q: Traverse City, Why have our conservation officers not been upgraded to state police?

A: We are state enforcement officers, just different agencies.


Q: Ogemaw County, county gravel pit got shut down for shooting, any chance it could reopen?

A: Would have to ask the county


Q: Frankfort, Has caught raccoons in a live trap, what to do with the them?

A They need to be dispatched.


Q: Oceana County, Can you use a hand gun to shoot an archery wounded deer?

A: No, archery only.


Q: Neighbors shooting at our land, what should I do?

A: If concerned, call your central dispatch.


Q: Beulah, Fishing survey on Platte Lake, what are the results for planting Walleye?

A: Contact Heather Hettinger in the Traverse City Office


Q: Scottville, Pere Marquette River, what are the correct regulations for steel head, do they need to be a farm raised fish with a clip to keep?

A: Depends on the reach you are fishing.  Can’t keep any in the flies only reach.  Elsewhere the limit is 1 per day.  They do not need to be fin clipped to keep.


Q: Will the ring neck pheasants be reintroduced for the put and take program?

A: No reintroduction efforts are planned because of habit concerns.



Q:  Can you buy a permit from the DNR to bait deer?  Would the DNR tag a radio collared bear during the season?

A: No baiting permit, not trapping/collaring doesn’t occur during the bear season


Q: Benzie, Why do I have to buy a “base license” to purchase a deer license?

A: Currently the laws, much was to keep deer license costs low during the last license change.



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Chris Ogozaly

TV Executive Producer / Production Manager

WCMU Public Television

1999 E Campus Dr. Mt. Pleasant MI 48859

(989 774 1541

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Adam Miedema

Staff Director Television

WCMU Public Television

1999 E Campus Dr. Mt. Pleasant MI 48859

(989) 774 1541

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Stefanie Mills

TV Producer

WCMU Public Television

1999 E Campus Dr. Mt. Pleasant MI 48859

(989 774 1541